# Hex Color Guesser

Can you guess which color the hex code represents?

Which color is #000000?
Level 1 🙂
Help! I don't know what I'm doing!

Colors are often represented as hexadecimal triples, these triples consist of three hexadecimal values corresponding to the red, green, and blue values of the color. Lower values (e.g. 00) represent that less of the color is present, while higher values (e.g. FF) represent that more red, green, or blue is present.

You can figure out the hue of the color by looking at which color (red, green, or blue) is most prevalent in the hexicdemal code. For example, #FA3742 is a bright red color, because it mainly consists of red, with only a bit of green and blue. To know the exact hue, you need to look at the ratio between the two most prevalent colors. For example, an orange color like #FA7D37 will consist of mainly red with a bit of extra green, while a yellow color like #FAFC37 will have roughly equal amounts of red and green.

The difference between the highest and the lowest value determines the saturation of the color. For example, #FF0000 is fully saturated red, while #FFAAAA is a less saturated pink color. If all values are similar to each other, then the color will have little saturation, and will be close to a shade of gray.

Have fun!