Michiel's Web Projects

Here's a list of all my web projects that are currently online on my GitHub page:


Numpad Says - A memory game about number constants, learn π, τ, e and other constants by muscle memory!
# Hex Color Guesser - Can you guess which color the hex code represents?
Brainfuck IDE - An interpreter and debugger for the esoteric programming language Brainfuck
Lottie/TGS Editor (W.I.P.) - For playing around with Lottie animations (which are used for animated Telegram stickers)
H4X0R - A cool looking console interface with various ciphers
Polygon Spirals - A visualisation of various regular polygon spirals, based on this Reddit post.
Javascript Oscillator - Playground for the Web Audio API to generate sound
Langton's Ants - A visual interactive simulation based on Langton's Ant


Chemie In Het Echt - Random rare plaatjes zonder context uit het scheikunde boek "Chemie Overal"
Hoe Lees Je QR-Codes - Leer hoe QR-Codes werken, interactieve digitale handleiding door Britt en Michiel (warning: a bit buggy)

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